Get your reps in

Magic pills aren’t real. If they were real, the side effects list would be longer than the line at Secretary of State. We’re all chasing something. Maybe it is the perfect partner, or the high paying job, or the new PR at the gym and so on. For most of us, we don’t just luck into it or inherit it. We have to work at it for awhile and sometimes for YEARS. The premise of anything worth having in life is built upon reps because it wouldn’t be worth having if you could obtain it so easily. You find a great love by going through relationships and learning and growing. You get to that raise by putting in the time and effort at work. You get that PR in the gym by doing lighter weights with more reps. No matter what it is you’re pursuing in life, you have to be willing to fail, try again, fail again, re-evaluate, fail, adjust, fail, and put in more reps than you thought possible. On the other end of those reps is more than just you’re goal. It is the validation of your efforts and time you put in to achieve it. Nobody has ever climbed a mountain without taking the first step. Keep stepping Kings and Queens.


Show up how you see yourself in the world