Show up how you see yourself in the world

Easier said than done, right? If you think yourself to be insecure, weak, timid, incapable, etc. then you likely show up that way. The inverse can also ring true though. If you see yourself as confident, capable, forthright, and powerful then you can start to embody that and other people will see you that way too. Our internal voice is usually our biggest critic so what if your critic was also your biggest hype-man? It is good practice to reflect on what could be better in your life but it doesn’t need to end there. You can also pat yourself on the back when you accomplish something or give yourself that nudge to do something hard or outside your comfort zone. Show up as the type of person you want to be and sooner or later you become that person. You may fail and stumble along the way, but that person you see yourself as will be closer in the mirror than if you never tried at all.


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